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Railway Medicals

Did you know as of October 2024 there are now new standards for Health Assessments in the Rail Industry? Our clinic is across the changes and can perform to the new standards.


Our staff are all qualified to perform medical assessments for railway workers requiring a routine medical to ensure they are fit to undertake their work. The type of medical completed is determined by how “safety critical” the work they are completing is.


These medicals are broken down into 4 categories:

Category 1 - the highest level of medical. This medical is assigned to any position where the rail network would be in danger should a worker suddenly collapse or be incapacitated due to ill health. Jobs in rail that require a Category 1 medical include Train Drivers, Signal Maintenance Technicians and Safeworking Coordinators.

Category 2 - This medical category is assigned to any position that requires a high level of attentiveness, but sudden incapacity or collapse from ill health doesn’t endanger the rail network. Positions that require a Category 2 medical include Signallers and Train Controllers.

Category 3 - This medical category is assigned to any position whose work does not endanger the network but are at risk from hazards such as moving trains. Positions that require a Category 3 medical include Station staff members and Authorised Officers.

Category 4 - This medical category applies to prospective employees who will not be performing rail safety work or accessing track environments unaccompanied.

Railway Medical, CAT 1,2,3 Medicals, Railway Industry Worker, RIW,
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When our practice is closed please call the

National Home Doctor Service (Locum)

Ph: 13 SICK (13 7425)

Call us on 03 8760 0025
4 Warana Drive (cnr Hallam Road) Hampton Park Vic 3976
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